- Major run time improvements: namely, a BLACKHOLE fix that greatly improve parallel performance in some cases, relative to 6.12.
- The LLVM backend.
- The new type inference engine.
- Download (2MB): haskell-platform-2010.2-HACKED.tar.bz2
- Download (100MB): ghc7.1.20101014.tar.bz2
- Download (112MB): ghc7.1_with_platform_preeinstalled.tar.bz2
The modified haskell platform tarball contains my notes on the hacks that were necessary, copied below:
I did a few hacks to get this working with GHC 7.1.20101014
First was to upgrade the MTL package to a slightly newer version,
downloaded from Hackage. Ditto for deepseq.
The second was to hack the .cabal file in haskell-src to be less
picky about upperbounds on version numbers.
But I still ran into compile problems with haskell-src. (And there's
no new version of it released at the moment to upgrade to.) Namely, I
got the following compile error:
Could not find module `Data.Generics.Instances':
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Ok, I included "syb" in the list of packages.
Next, build error on quickcheck... upgraded to
But that didn't fix the problem -- "split" is still undefined.
The package 'parallel' had to be loosened up to tolerate newer containers versions.
HTTP complained about wanting base 3... but why was the "old-base"
flag set anyway?
Ditto zlib.
Finally, the cabal-install package also required some relaxation of
version numbers, and worse it seems like the type of a library
function has changed from a Maybe result to a definite one.
Here I had to make a choice between updating to cabal-install 0.9.2
or hacking the 0.8.2 version. It works to add an "fmap Just" to get
0.8.2 to build, and besides the 0.9.2 version I have is actually just
the darcs head -- there hasn't been a release yet.
After picking the hacked 0.8.2 version, `make` succeeded for my
modified haskell-platform-2010.2.